Our Story

I'm Angharad, a farmer's daughter from the Welsh Valleys. I grew up with my Mum and Grandmothers making preserves, competing at the local agricultural shows, using the glut of the seasons to produce jars of deliciousness.

Over the last 15 years we've created multi award winning jars of preserves from our Limey Lime Marmalade to our infamous Candied Jalapenos and our network of "Swap Croppers" have shared their apples, quince and damsons plus our infamous Lord Lambourne apples from Paul Gowen. his Dad planted the apple tree about 50 years ago and we use the glut in our Lord Lambourne's Scrumpy Butter with Calvados. We've one World Marmalade, Great Taste, delicious.magazine, Wales the True Taste awards along with teaching in Cameroon and our local prison. 

In 2024 we hung up our pans and we've now put our incredible recipes in a book for you to make your own and join us for courses at Duckling Barn where you can master the art of preserving and join other specialists for exciting events. 

In December 2014 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, a bit of a blow but sadly far too common. Money from our recipe book goes to Velindre Cancer Centre in Cardiff.

Lots of love,

Angharad x